Today Simon Chambers graced us with the task of blogging a magazine, an event and a retail environment, to get the ball rolling so to speak. Oh how I chuckled to myself, he suggested looking around urban outfitters, so I did.
On the way there I saw this:
How ominous, all those months ago when I volunteered for my first art event I was oddly drawn to the work of prefab77, and I'm sure this face has followed me for years around the alleys and hideyholes of Newcastle.
When I got inside urban outfitters i was immediately blown away by this:
There is a place, near The Goose, that has gigantic, 20ft angle-poise lamps, with equal majesty to their counterpart, but a far more industrious edge. This however is a different league altogether. As I drifted below it with trepidation I could almost feel the warmth buzzing from it.
Here's another light fitting, playing off the brick walls and exposed piping.
And who doesn't love wood profiling. Reminds me of the time i made a chessboard from side grain and end grain wood :).
But what is this! on the stairs there, next to the giant M?
Prefab77! Set beautifully between and around hard materials and wired lightbulbs.
Last but most definitely not least, page 4 of my little book project :)I've always had a fancy for dotted lines that describe something implied, either below the surface or hidden away somewhere. Also, i love the bounce in that sentence.
Sincerely, My Self.
And I thought it was because I was stricken in years that I ignored the clothes and got excited about the interior design in Urban Outfitters. That light fitting is amazing.